Patient Care Technician (8303)
Patient Care Technician (8303)
Offered as an occupational course after the completion of Nurse Aide at the 12th-grade level, Patient Care Technician emphasizes the study of nursing occupations as related to the healthcare system. Students study normal growth and development, simple body structure and function, medical terminology, and are introduced to microbes and disease. Upon completion of the course, students will have mastered the skills needed to perform electrocardiograms (ECGs); execute basic medical, lab, and exam procedures; draw blood; and provide basic patient/client care. Students will be eligible to take the National Certification Exams to become Certified Phlebotomy Technicians, Certified ECG Technicians, and Certified Patient Care Technicians.
Recommended prerequisite(s): Nurses Aide II (8362)
Duration: 36 weeks / 18 weeks
Suggested Grade Level: 12