Emergency Medical Telecommunications (8337)

Emergency Medical Telecommunications (8337)
Emergency Medical Telecommunications is designed to provide the beginning telecommunicator with an understanding of situations encountered in an emergency communications environment. The student will be able to summarize issues involving the telecommunicator’s role and responsibilities as a member of the health and public safety environment. The student will be also be able to summarize issues involving resources available to a telecommunicator, the importance of maintaining confidentiality, and liability and legal issues involving emergency telecommunicators and their agencies. The student will be able to describe the process of stress management, inside and outside a communications department/center. The student will develop the entry-level skills needed in a telecommunications environment for rescue, fire, and police.
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Note: This course has specific state laws and regulations from a governing medical board or agency. Please contact the Virginia Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education Services prior to implementing this course. All inquiries may be sent to cte@doe.virginia.gov.
Duration: 36
Suggested Grade Level: 10 or 11 or 12