Dental Careers II (8329)

Dental Careers II (8329)
Units of study include medical emergencies, coronal polishing, oral pathology, dental roentgenology, nutrition, schedule IV drugs and pharmacology, and advanced laboratory techniques. In addition to attending classes for part of the week, students have the opportunity to participate in internships at local private dental offices and public health dental facilities, where they participate in all phases of dental care delivery. During the program, students are eligible to take the Dental Assisting National Board Inc. (DANB) Radiation Health and Safety; Anatomy, Morphology, and Physiology; and Infection Control (ICE) exams. Students who pass are qualified to work in entry-level dental assistant I and dental receptionist positions. After two years in the field full-time, graduates of the program are eligible to take the national examination to become a Certified Dental Assistant. Many graduates choose to continue their dental education at community colleges and universities.
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Recommended prerequisite(s): Dental 1 (8328).
Duration: 36 weeks / 280 Hours
Suggested Grade Level: 12